Sunday, June 1, 2014

September 2014 Emotionally Healthy Church Seminar Philippines

*This seminar is highly recommended for couples in ministry.

When:  3 Saturdays – September 13, 20; Oct 4
Time:  9am-4:00pm
Where:  Baptist Theological College
AS Fortuna, Mandaue
Space limited to 50 registrants.  Registration includes snack, lunch and notes
All 3 Sessions P350  (P400 at the door)
Individual sessions P150 per session (P200 at the door)

*Early Bird Discount expires September 1 - All 3 sessions P300

Phone: 423 4720 (landline)   0923 458 4753 (sun)   0916 746 7715(globe)
Session 1 – Sept 13 – Looking Beneath the Surface; and Breaking the Power of the Past

Session 2 – Sept 20 – Living in Brokenness and Vulnerability; and Receiving the Gift of Limits

Session 3 – Oct 4 – Embracing Grieving and Loss; and Making the Incarnation your Model for Loving Well  

In 2003, Pastor Pete Scazzero won the Gold Medallion for Evangelical Writers with this challenging book.  Pete tells his story of planting New Life Fellowship of Queens, NY - a very “successful” church on the outside, but seeing his own soul wither in the midst of conversions, baptisms and explosive church growth.  This seminar will focus on a biblical understanding of emotional issues like fear, anger and seeking the approval of others that have the potential to undermine our ministries.  He challenges evangelicals to return to Scripture for their theology and engage biblical topics that seem to have been lost in current evangelical teaching. 
PRESENTERS:  Rick and Jiji Harner are missionaries with New Life Fellowship (Queens, NY) serving in Cebu since 2006.  They will be presenting this experiential seminar that will encourage you to go deeper in your relationship with God and to search your own soul as David expressed in Psalm 139:23-24 - Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  Rick and Jiji attended New Life Fellowship under Pastor Pete Scazzero and have been sent to Cebu as missionaries of the church.  Rick is part-time pastor of Olive Grove Christian Ministries in Mabolo, in addition to directing a community tutoring program in Consolacion called G1:27.  Jiji is a graduate of Alliance Graduate School of Counseling in Nyack, NY and is a faculty member at Cebu Graduate School of Theology in AS Fortuna, handling their counseling courses in addition to her private practice in counseling.