Wednesday, November 27, 2019

        I will be teaching Emotionally Healthy Woman in 2 parts at Asian Theological Seminary in Quezon City, Metro Manila. 
        In The Emotionally Healthy Woman book, Geri Scazzero provides you a way out of an inauthentic, superficial spirituality and a way to experience genuine freedom in Christ. This seminar is for every woman who thinks, ‘I can’t keep pretending everything is fine!’ (when it’s really not) The journey to emotional health begins by stopping.  As an overloaded pastor’s wife, Geri quit being afraid of what others think. She quit denying her anger and sadness.  She learned to stop overfunctioning and to quit living someone else’s life. When you stop those things that are damaging to your own soul and to the souls of others, you are freed to choose other ways of being and relating that are rooted in love and lead to life. Breaking these habits of relating will not only put you on the path to emotional health, but also help you uncover the true purpose of your life.
        The seminar will consist of lecture, video instruction, journaling, group processing and partner sharing.  This enables participants to not just listen to good principles, but to take the time to process your own feelings and experiences and apply the principles to your life.
        Emotionally Healthy Woman 1 – Stop Being Afraid of What Other People Think will be December 14 from 8:30 am til 4 pm.  This session will cover the tendency to ignore and stuff uncomfortable feelings because we are afraid people will think less of us and our tendency to not tell the real truth of what we think and how we feel.  We will learn the Biblical basis for facing our fears of what other people think about us so that we can begin to live the life that God has called us to. 

        Emotionally Healthy Woman 2 – Stop Overfunctioning and Doing for Others What They Can and Should Do for Themselves will be January 25, 2020 from 8:30 am til 4 pm.  This session will examine the tendency to take the responsibilities of other people and overload ourselves so that we miss out on our responsibilities or end up frustrated and blaming the people we are trying to help.  We will examine the faulty thinking that can keep us doing everything that everyone else thinks we should be doing instead of living the life that God has laid out for us.  In the end, many of us end up burned out and hurt by the people that we want to love.  How can we change the pattern?
        This 2-part seminar is filled with practical application as it integrates emotional health and spiritual maturity by rediscovering Biblical truths and quitting certain habits that are detrimental to your mental health, overcoming guilt, dealing with frustrating relationship, and developing emotionally and spiritually healthy lifestyle.

At the conclusion of this seminar, the participants will be able to:
1. Demonstrate competence recognizing symptoms of unhealthy and unbiblical practices in our lives.
2. Demonstrate understanding and discernment when to say “no” and how to say,”no”.
3. Demonstrate skill in quitting habitual attitudes and wrong belief system.
4. Becoming aware of personal issues and begin the healing process

Friday, November 1, 2019

When Depression Hits Home - Finding Help Through Depression

Dr. Jiji Harner has developed this one day seminar using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques in a way that is psychologically sound, consistent with Biblical principles and extremely practical to help people begin to develop a game plan in their personal struggles with depression.
When Depression Hits Home is meant to help people working through depression.  If someone you care for is struggling with depression, it can be very helpful for you to attend the seminar and participate together with them.

       Saturday November 23 - 8:30 am-4:30 pm

Venue: Olive Grove Center. Subangdaku, Mandaue 

The day will consist of 4 sessions.  Each session will consist of approximately 35 minutes of lecture and education about depression:  its symptoms, its causes and how to overcome it.  The lectures are biblically based and bring in current psychological information and research to open our understanding of what is really meant by the word depression and its psychological impact on a person.  

After the lecture, there will be about 1 hour for participants to process the information in a small group setting.  Questions will be presented to engage participants with the information and techniques of the lecture.  The purpose here is for participants to gain self-awareness of how depression strikes them personally and its roots, along with skills for self-regulating and self-soothing when they are on their emotional roller coaster.  The group process follows the rule - Invite, not inflict - meaning you are always invited to participate with questions, but never required to or forced to participate.  After the time of group process, there will be a short break before the next session.   

You can register at Olive Grove with Tinan –
(Early Registration by Thursday Nov 21 Discounted price P400 )  
If you pre-register with a friend,
there is an additional discount - only P300 each

To pre-register deposit at BDO 
Acct name: Sistaine Ann Rosas. Acct no. 002450094187. 
Pls send the deposit slip with your names to Sistaine Ann Mendoza Rosas 

Venue: Olive Grove Center. Subangdaku, Mandaue north of the Wireless flyover. 2nd flr of East and West Bank and PS Bank accross Petron and BDO. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Mental Health Awareness Workshop

Do you have questions about depression, anxiety or perfectionism?  Our increasingly stressful and isolated world can have a bad effect on our emotional health and our relationships.  Take the opportunity to learn to deal with these issues in a Biblical way before they become more serious.   

  • Learn what you need to know about Depression and Assessing Risk for Suicide.  
  • Learn how your faith in God can help you self-soothe the anxieties in your mind
  • Learn how to live your life in a way that reinforces you against attacks of depression.
  • Learn simple steps to take when you are battling depression
  • Learn how to deal with stressful situations in a healthy way that will make you stronger
  • Understand perfectionism and its connection to self-esteem and how it impacts your relationships
  • Learn how to renew your mind with Scripture and truth in a way that strengthens you against these mental health risks

The skills and methods you learn are basic and fundamental to a Biblical perspective that also takes into account basic principles of psychology

March 30, 2019
Dr. Jiji Harner – RPsy, DODT, MAMHC, MAPsych, BSW
Pastor Effem Amancio
Noelli Amancio

Venue:  Olive Grove Christian Ministries
2nd floor of KINA Building
Subangdaku, Mandaue City

Registration Fee:  P400 (Includes 2 snack/lunch/notes)
Early Registration Fee:  Only P300 before March 28
Prepay by Deposit at BDO
Account Name: Sistaine Ann M. Rosas
Account No: 002450094187
Please send the deposit slip with your name & age to Sistaine Ann M. Rosas via Facebook Messenger

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course at Cebu Graduate School of Theology

Cebu Graduate School of Theology in Mandaue will be offering the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course as a modular class this coming April 1-6.  The course is designed to address the crisis in discipleship in the Church and lead people into a deeper spiritual walk with Jesus.  The course will be led by Ptr Rick Harner and his wife Dr Jiji Harner 

The author of the EHS Course, Pete Scazzero outlines the course below:

Below are some testimonies of people who have experienced life transformation through the EHS Course.
For more information regarding this class, please contact us via e-mail at

OMF has published Emotionally Healthy Spirituality locally in the Philippines!

OMF recently published the 3 books of the EHS Course (through permission from Zondervan):
1.  Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
2.  The EHS Workbook
3.  EHS Day by Day

They are now available at very good prices here in the Philippines.  Quantity discounts are available.
Contact us via e-mail at to find out pricing and ordering information

The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course is an 8-week course that explores 7 Biblical pathways to discipleship that lead to lives that are transformed by the Holy Spirit and flow over in love for those around us.  Though one of our deepest desires is to love well those closest to us, our emotional reactions often get in the way of being able to freely express that love.  EHS applies Scripture and gives tools to help us to express our emotions in a healthy way so that our emotions do not control our reactions to those that we love